Under the umbrella of its Indo-Pacific Strategy, he added the US is guiding its alliances to contain or encircle China. For its part, China has deepened engagement with the ASEAN states through the BRI, the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), and the creation of the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Mechanism and so on and so forth”, said Kin Phea, International Relations Institute of Cambodia director-general.
Category: ASEAN
The $168 million Mekong-Australia Partnership launched
According to a statement from the Australian Embassy in Cambodia said the MAP provides support to the five countries in the Mekong subregion to strengthen economic recovery, environmental resilience, and human capacity, with a particular focus on bridging the development gap between Asean member states.
Climate change: the implications for regional security
Jakarta, Manila, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City are all at sea level. Indeed parts of all four cities are below sea level, and all them are sinking because of the depletion of their aquifers. All four of these megacities experience mass flooding for longer periods of time each year. Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, has also been stricken with record flooding during the past week.
Southeast Asia tipped to become world’s largest floating solar market
Regionally, the most ambitious country is Vietnam with 9.9 GW at different stages of development by 2030, reported Rystad.
What the AidData report reveals about BRI lending in Southeast Asia
This kind of fuzzy debt is neither new nor unique to Chinese development financing. Many other countries, including the United States, have been financing infrastructure in Southeast Asia for decades with deals that obfuscate the precise role of the state and its responsibilit
Southeast Asia energy policies on track to disaster
ASEAN leaders’ climate change pledges are undeliverable empty promises
Are China’s BRI glory days over?
ADB is greenwashing big hydropower
In its policy document, ADB has placed large hydropower alongside other energy sources like solar, wind and geothermal energy and stated that it will be ‘selective’ in its support for such projects.
“Building Back Better”: Southeast Asia’s transition to a green economy after COVID-19
Through its assessment, APHR found that only minimal green policy measures have been adopted as part of the national COVID-19 recovery plans. Moreover, the few positive measures approved were critically undermined by the widespread adoption of those that contribute to global warming and create significant barriers to a low-carbon economic transition. Countries in the region clearly lacked a unified strategy on a green recovery from COVID-19.
ringing clean air to 4 billion people in Asia
insights from the Joint Forum is that many of the main sources of urban air pollution come from beyond city borders. For example, it is difficult to prevent air pollution episodes in Bangkok, Thailand because urban and rural sources mix together, forming a toxic brew that is more challenging to manage because of its multiple origins.