Category: Cambodia
Sanctuaries now state land
The Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province is now classified as state land to eliminate land grabbing offences.
Coronavirus lockdown leads to a spike in poaching of critically endangered animals
‘Suddenly rural people have little to turn to but natural resources and we’re already seeing a spike in poaching,’ said Colin Poole, WCS regional director for Greater Mekong in Southeast Asia.
UNESCO list request could help dolphins
“The Ministry of Environment fully supports the conservation work being done for these dolphins.”
Climate change and the collapse of Angkor Wat
The collapse of the water network—due to a combination of intense summer monsoon rains and lack of maintenance—likely hastened the city’s desertion.
Scientists discover bent-toed gecko species in Cambodia
A new species of bent-toed gecko (Cyrtodactylus phnomchiensis) has been described from Cambodia’s Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.
Logging is rampant at Prey Lang, report says
Denmark’s University of Copenhagen has drawn Prey Lang stakeholders’ attention to recently published data which shows increased illegal logging within the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.