About 92 adult Irrawaddy Dolphins or Mekong Dolphin inhabit the Mekong mainstream.
Category: Cambodia
Using the Freshwater Health Index to Assess Hydropower Development Scenarios in the Sesan, Srepok and Sekong River Basin
To diagnose the basin’s current and likely future level of freshwater health.
Monks reveal Sangke threat
Authorities to close sewers in the Sangke River after monks posted a video showing toxic wastewater flowing into it and allegedly affecting nearby residents’ health.
Cambodia to propose five natural areas as UNESCO World Heritage sites
This is the first time Cambodia has considered submitting a list of its natural protected areas to be candidates for the World Heritage List.
Shades of REDD+ Cambodia
In Cambodia, three forest conservation projects have raised over $11 million from contributions by companies from Europe, Japan and the United States.
NGO calls for climate budget transparency
First report to provide an in-depth study of the challenges facing Cambodia on climate change and the input of relevant institutions in helping tackle it.