First report to provide an in-depth study of the challenges facing Cambodia on climate change and the input of relevant institutions in helping tackle it.
Category: Cambodia
Safeguarding livelihoods for fishing communities in Mekong Countries
The Kbal Hong ladder is considered one of the most effective fish passages in the Mekong region and stands as an example of effective regional collaboration.
Billion-dollar highway to Sihanoukville 20pct ready
More than 130 families from Kamboul commune, in Phnom Penh’s Kamboul district, who have been displaced to make way for the expressway, still seek compensation.
Community upset by land clearing arrests
Rights group has looked into the case and found that the land in question has been cleared and cultivated, as well as traded among villagers for years.
Forest community files petition over crimes
The Prey Preah Roka Forest community has asked for legal action against forest crimes after nine patrols since early last year led to the discovery of 98 forest offences.