Category: Cambodia
Vegetable gardens bring veritable gains for women in climate-struck Cambodia
Putting gender equality at the heart of climate action will ensure that vegetable gardens and sustainable development efforts bear fruit.
Water, Gender, and Poverty in Cambodia’s Stung Chinit Watershed
There are critical problems of inequality surrounding access to domestic and irrigation water. Exploring issues of gender and poverty allows us to ask who has power, a voice, and the opportunity to improve their situation.
Fuelwood Demand Goes Up as Cambodia Looks for Sustainable Uses
The demand for fuelwood including firewood and charcoal has increased in Cambodia: Annual use is reaching 6 million tons, which is equivalent to the loss of more than 70,000 hectares of forest.
Cambodian Villagers Block Digging Work by Chinese Company
”We want to the Chinese side to sign an agreement that they won’t come in here to continue clearing, as we are concerned for the loss of the lake and the fish in the shelter.”