Category: Cambodia
Japan grants $190K for environment education
“In this project, Nature Centre Risen will establish a continuous training system of environmental education from pre-school to lower secondary schools in Cambodia.
Cambodian officials to fight logging in M’kiri
Working group to carry out major roles, such as searching for masterminds and ringleaders behind illegal grabbing, razing, clearing, encroachment on forest land and includes issuing warrants to seize property.
Chinese clampdown pushing drugs deeper into Mekong
Recent clampdowns by China have pushed transnational narcotics networks deeper into the lower Mekong, flooding the area with methamphetamine that has remained cheap, despite record seizures.
Cambodia’s energy conundrum: what are the alternatives to the Sambor Dam?
The recent unprecedented drought and drop of capacity factor raise questions in drought years about the benefits of hydropower along the Mekong.
Electric Cars and Motorcycles – for the Good of the Planet
Dealing with the increasing number of cars and ushering in more innovative solutions a priority for Cambodia to ensure increasing automobile users won’t prevent meeting Paris Climate Agreement pledge.
Built to Scale? Growing Pains Hit Cambodia’s Social Enterprises
With the “Markle Sparkle”, the little-known business—which employs survivors of human trafficking and other vulnerable women to make ethically sourced, environmentally friendly jeans—exploded.