Category: Cambodia
Kratie officials welcome 11th dolphin calf found in the province this year
The increase in the dolphin population in the Mekong could be the result of the joint efforts of river guards from the fisheries administration, WWF-Cambodia and authorities to protect and preserve them.
Interior Ministry, Civil Society to Discuss Changes to Controversial NGO Law
One of the most controversial articles is one that requires NGOs and associations to “maintain neutrality” toward political parties, which is feared could be used for political purposes.
Loss of Land, Forests Threatens Indigenous Food Security, Conference Told
Just 24 of an estimated 455 indigenous communities around the country have so far managed to receive titles despite the process having been laid out in a 2009 sub-decree, a forum heard earlier this month.
Plastic Kingdom: On Cambodia’s Recycling Trail
Most of the work being put into recycling in the country is still done in a bottom-up way, dealt by hand, every day, by thousands of tireless edjais–informal waste pickers.
Cambodia Faces Possible Food Crisis: ‘Water But No Fish’
Growing population and changes to the Tonle Sap’s unusual seasonal rise and fall, are contributing declines in fish catches. Other contributing factors include dam construction and indiscriminate, often illegal fishing practices.
ADB supports economic diversification and inclusive growth in Cambodia
On Friday the ADB endorsed a new 5-year country partnership strategy (CPS) that lays out the institution’s support for Cambodia’s goal of becoming an upper middle-income country by 2030.