Category: Cambodia
I’m a plant’ eco-bags to help make Cambodia cleaner
As cassava is grown throughout Southeast Asia, it made sense to use cassava starch due to its accessibility and cost.
Long lost ancient city uncovered deep in Cambodian jungle
The LiDAR survey also indicated that an ambitious engineering project to build a sophisticated water management system was left uncompleted.
Two Large Mekong River Dams in Laos to Start Operations by End of Year
The first two of five planned large-scale Lao dams on the Mekong river are set to go online before the end of this year, amid controversy over their impact on the environment and people’s livelihoods.
Cambodian-Lao coal power deal an environmental worry
From the point of view of energy security, health, cost and minimising climate and other environmental risks, renewable energy is already a more attractive option than largescale coal delivering transboundary power.
Asia’s new gold: Sand mining threatens life on the Mekong
Sand is the stuff of which Asia’s growing megacities are made. In Cambodia, sand is being dredged from the Mekong River at an alarming rate, with disastrous results for local residents.
Officials colluding with timber traders, says NGO director
A forest activist found 59 logs on Sunday near farmland belonging to officicials in Tasal commune, in Kampong Speu province’s Oral district.