If we are to successfully secure both the livelihoods of local people and the future of endangered species, then it is essential conservation is reconciled with development.
Category: Cambodia
Men nabbed for dolphin zone fishing
Two men have been placed in pre-trial detention for “fishing using electric shock devices” in a Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphin conservation zone in Kratie province.
Activists launch ‘Rescue Island’ campaign for Koh Kong Krao
Environmental activists have launched the “Rescue Island” campaign to urge the government to preserve Koh Kong province’s Koh Kong Krao island, Cambodia’s largest, as a national park.
Fifth dead Irrawaddy dolphin of year found
A Mekong River conservation area head ranger told The Post on Tuesday that a fifth Irrawaddy dolphin has been found dead due to illegal fishing.
Chinese investment strains Cambodian society
The dramatic transformation of Sihanoukville should be a warning to other Asian countries.
Enhancing Environment and Resources Management in Cambodia
Ministry of Environment has disseminated a booklet on a draft environment and natural resource code, and that discusses the Cambodian environmental legal network.