Category: Cambodia
Residents want to take part in Prey Lang forest management
Puth Chim, a representative of an indigenous community, said they should be allowed to participate in protecting the forest.
CYP to investigate deforestation
Cambodian Youth Party president Pich Sros yesterday said ministries tasked with preventing deforestation have no regular preventive measures against the crime.
Brexit and EU sanctions threaten Cambodia economic crisis
Teetering on the verge of economic crisis: Cambodia faces higher export tariffs into Britain due to Brexit at a time when the European Union is considering suspending duty-free access.
Illegal logging denied in Mondulkiri province
Activist Heng Sros, 24, from the Cambodian Human Rights Task Force, yesterday said that the private companies received permission to transport high quality timber to Vietnam.
Environment ministry works to better identify timber sources
“I think the [ministry’s] response and [ministries] accusing each other shows there is no clear legal mechanism. I met with the Ministry of Interior’s secretary of state who said it was difficult to prevent [illegal logging].”
UNDP & DanChurchAid helping drought proof Cambodia
Because more than three-quarters of Cambodia’s population relies primarily on subsistence agriculture, droughts and floods threaten to tip large numbers of people into poverty.
No hooks, lines or sinkers: Cambodians go traditional in fishing ceremony
But fish stocks have declined in recent years due to hydropower dams built upstream in Cambodia and neighbouring countries, and the increase of illegal fishing methods,
Project aims to test climate change response strategies
Five schools have been selected to test climate change response strategies by planting trees and developing gardens with increased biodiversity.