“We hear a lot about the [BRI] contribution, but it will be also really great to hear about what is the problem that BRI has brought about.”
Category: Cambodia
1,221 environmental rangers to be trained in Cambodia
Training aims to promote strategic plans and the work involved in protecting natural resources and biodiversity, the protected areas and regulations.
Corruption Puts Environmental Defenders at Risk in Cambodia
For the 30-year old Cambodian activist, an arrest is a very real possibility. Several of her colleagues have already been thrown in prison.
Waste flowing into the ocean in Sihanoukville
An environmental activist and former employee of Mother Nature Cambodia has claimed that the Preah Sihanouk provincial administration lacks proper control of its sewage systems and waste is flowing directly into the sea.
Researchers seek alternatives to Mekong River hydropower dam
Working with the Cambodian government to explore alternative to the devastating dam planned along the Mekong at Sambor.
Cambodia’s ambitious tourism plans
Last week, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen claimed that the number of tourists visiting Cambodia had increased substantially over the years and now the country is expecting it to double to 12 million tourists by 2025.
‘Our Ancestors’ Graves have been Drowned’
Some 860 families from various indigenous minorities lived for generations near the rivers in northeast Cambodia until a Chinese-backed dam flooded the area.