The $US66 billion project wish list and more from the ministerial and side meetings that took place in Hanio
Category: Cambodia
Six decades of water cooperation puts Mekong basin on track to achieve SDGs
Steady as she goes, says MRC’s Chief Executive, to achieve sustainable development along the Mekong.
Ensuring the Greater Mekong’s success
US$7 billion over the 5 years for GMS projects in transport, tourism, energy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, agribusiness, and urban development.
Subregion summit kicks off in Hanoi
Their 5-year Hanoi Action Plan, with Regional Investment Framework of 226 subregion development projects worth 2 trillion baht are on the table.
Environmental Monks Need International Support
In Thailand and Cambodia rural monks often “ordain” trees, but illegal loggers and corrupt government officials don’t respect such religious traditions.
A people in limbo, many living entirely on water
Floating villages across the surface of the Mekong River’s waterways play host to Vietnamese whose status in Cambodia is perpetually adrift
Mekong: more dams, more damage
The call for a moratorium on dam-building is the least risky option and only way to protect Mekong fisheries and its riparian people.
Government timber figures belie ‘ban’ on Vietnam trade
Reports from the National Bank of Cambodia raises questions about the government’s ban on timber exports, as they show $5 million exported last year.
Why Cambodia’s beach town Sihanoukville could be the region’s next big tourist hub
Could Sihanoukville become Cambodia’s biggest city within the next two decades, some developers think so.
Forum slams Mekong dam construction, warns livelihoods at stake
Hydroelectric dams in several countries on the mainstream of the Mekong River has seriously impacted people living along it, a forum heard last week.