What foreign policy risk may lie ahead for Cambodia should it further harden its relationship with China as opposed to hedging some bets with the “other” superpower?
Category: Cambodia
Thai junta aims to make eastern economic hub its legacy
Eastern Economic Corridor projects get fast-tracked as govt envisions it as the heart of Mekong economies.
Time to switch to natural gas to protect the earth
Resident Trump’s decision to withdraw the USA from the landmark Paris climate accord must not become a distraction from urgent global efforts to combat climate change.
Powering ahead to solve Southeast Asia’s energy challenges
Southeast Asia wants to shift to a clean energy system, but high energy demand and cost pressures could slow progress. The upcoming Asia Power Week brings together industry and policy leaders to discuss solutions to these issues.
Cambodian Villagers Brace For Flooding in Test of Sesan II Dam
A test of floodgates in Cambodia’s Sesan II Dam looks set to flood two downstream villages, with more than 100 families vowing not to leave after refusing offers of compensation.
Mekong Institute shifts its aid focus
The new focus on social assistance with knowledge training in GMS countries was a shift from economic aid, MI Chairman said at the Mekong Forum on “New Geo-economics: Reshaping the Future of the GMS?”
Cambodia’s Path to Fulfill the Paris Climate Agreement
Though a small country, Sao Phal Niseiy observes that Cambodia is more than capable of doing its part to uphold its responsibility to the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement.
Trump’s policies could put Cambodia’s environment on chopping block
Under President Donald Trump’s proposed 2018 budget, Cambodia could experience a 70 percent cut in aid from the United States.
Electricity prices to be cut for big industry
Electricite du Cambodge has announced a price cut for large enterprises with a capacity exceeding one megawatt.
Report Launch: Mekong Power Shift: Emerging Trends in the GMS Power Sector
Stimson Center’s Southeast Asia team will launch their latest report on July 6 in Phnom Penh.