The rivers are an ecological bounty in the Mekong watershed. But technical reviews pay little attention to environmental costs of dam building.
Category: Cambodia
Social and behaviour change communication campaign on reduction of demand luxury wood furniture launched
“We hope that this campaign will provide useful information and better options for Cambodian citizens, especially youth, to consider as they make choices that impact their environment. Taking the right actions today can lead to positive impacts in the future for Cambodia’s forests and wildlife. Keep the trees where they belong.”
Prey Lang Extended landscape has significant forest cover, but declining health
The report said that over the 12-year period, carbon storage per hectare of forest (not carbon in the soil) in the PLEL has been reduced from 120 Mg C/ha to 95 Mg C/ha. hreats such as encroachment and exploitation of natural resources in the PLEL continue at an alarming rate, chipping away at the 19 protected areas in the PLEL (53% of the PLEL) and stressing water and soil resources.
Record coal prices pose problems for power producers
The lowest coal price was in 2016, the year EDC average cost to buy electricity was 9.5c/kWh [cents per kilowatt hour]. Ironically, it was also the same year EDC began to look to solar power. Now, EDC can buy solar for less than half that, with prices for solar and wind between 3.88c/kWh to 6.8c/kWh.
Cambodia lauds China’s support for agriculture and infrastructure development
On the occasion, Hor Namhong expressed profound thanks to the Chinese government for importing milled rice, fresh bananas and mangoes from Cambodia.
Should tree plantations count toward reforestation goals? It’s complicated
Government agencies touted the Prey Lang reforestation project in central Cambodia as the country’s first big venture into climate-focused restoration. Cambodia’s Forestry Administration granted South Korean contractor Think Biotech a 34,000-hectare (84,000-acre) reforestation concession for the ostensible purpose of planting trees and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. But what’s happened on the ground doesn’t look much like a win against climate change.
Sixty endangered bird species seen flocking to Kingdom wetland areas
Bou Vorsak, Cambodia programme manager at BirdLife International, told The Post on September 9 that rangers patrolled these areas every week and recorded 60 species under threat including darters, grey-headed fish eagles, spot-billed pelicans, lesser adjutant storks and painted storks.
Legislature approves Cambodia-China FTA
The pact will further strengthen bilateral cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. It will enter into force 30 days after both countries have exchanged their ratification instrument through a diplomatic channel.
Climate change likely to be high on the agenda of the Mekong River summit
Falling water levels, from drought and damming, have also reduced the stock of Cambodia’s freshwater fish, mostly caught in the Mekong and Bassac rivers. About 6 million people work in fisheries or fisheries-related activities in Cambodia and their catch contributes as much as 12 percent to gross domestic product.