But large-scale hybrid rice seed production still requires refinement and a deeper understanding of market needs, and by and large remains priced out of reach for smallholder farmers.
Category: Cambodia
UNICEF says Cambodian children at very high risk of climate change impacts
Citing the first UNICEF global report on “The Climate Crisis Is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index”, the statement said Cambodian children ranked the world’s 46th most vulnerable among 163 countries and regions.
43 new sites identified for carbon credit
The team will use the data of the identified sites to estimate carbon stock for the whole REDD+ project site in conformance with the third-party carbon standards and Cambodian’s national REDD+ framework.
Cambodian dam a ‘disaster’ for local communities, rights group says
The report highlights the humanitarian and environmental shortcomings of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is advancing many similar projects across Africa and Asia.
Australia supports Cambodia through Mekong-Australia Partnership
Through the MAP, Australia has already initiated a range of new activities including on renewable energy, water, consumer protection, scholarships, cyber security and strengthening investment.
Lower Sesan II Hydropower Plant protects the environment and provides clean energy in Cambodia
In July, the Fisheries Administration of Cambodia issued a certificate to the Lower Sesan II Hydropower plant in recognition of the company’s achievements in fish protection.
Gov’t says NGO campaign illegal
The campaign by a group of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) demanding the release of environmental and human rights activists is illegal and more of a political agenda than a defense of freedoms, says the Ministry of Justice.
Major M’kiri tourism plan given the nod
Investment will target the natural eco-tourism areas and corridors of the five wildlife sanctuaries; the Bou Sra-Dak Dam Cultural and Ecotourism Corridor; the provincial capital Sen Monorom town; and the area in O’Raing district connected with the development of a widely-anticipated regional-level airport.
USAID-funded Keo Seima conservation project completed
According to WCS, during the event, key project achievements were presented focusing on collaborative conservation efforts to improve biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health, sustainable and equitable economic opportunities, community livelihoods, and natural capital reinvestment, and to strengthen inclusive landscape governance in KSWS in the Eastern Plains, Cambodia.
Drought hits rice yields in K Cham, Oddar Meanchey
Om Vibol, director of the provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology, told The Post that cultivation in these four districts depends on rainfall, and water from the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers. Drought often occurs when crops are planted at the beginning of the rainy season when there is not enough water.