People who have engaged in the Indigenous land titling process say it is time-consuming and arduous, and that even successful claimants are often granted title to just a fraction of their customary land.
Category: Cambodia
Cambodia border, Mekong Delta named ‘hotspots’ for possible Covid-19 outbreak
At a meeting on Friday it was noted that the southwest border with Cambodia and southwestern provinces of the country, better known as the Mekong Delta region, are now “major hotspots” at high risk of possible Covid-19 outbreaks.
Climate risk management proves critical to sustaining food security in Cambodia
A USAID-funded Cambodia fisheries project outperformed productivity goals after incorporating climate-sensitive design, including planning for increased risk of drought and extreme heat events.
Cambodia’s Prey Lang: how not to protect a vital forest
The Ministry frequently asserts without evidence that large-scale illegal logging operations in Prey Lang and other protected areas have been eradicated and any residual illegal logging in Prey Lang is carried out by local villagers only.
China boosts banana growing in Lancang-Mekong region
Countries in the Lancang-Mekong area such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar have advantages in growing bananas such as lower labor costs and better weather conditions, Wang Anbang, head of the cooperation project for the region’s banana industry, said.
Climate change adaptation in Cambodia and Fiji households
The information they provide is more detailed than the data supplied by hydrology and remote sensing approaches at a local scale.Hence, researchers suggest that it is vital to use local knowledge and scientific data when formulating climate adaptation planning and strategies.
Sweden pledges $2.5 mil to UNESCO for media development in Cambodia
This new strategic agreement includes activities to be implemented over the next three years, which aims to foster a safe, free, pluralistic and independent media environment conducive to greater freedom of expression and access to information in Cambodia, the statement said.
Crackdown on illegal charcoal kilns in Cardamom Mountains
charcoal kilns are one of the main causes of deforestation, because the raw materials used to make charcoal are trees, especially small trees that need to continue to grow.
IMF forecasts 4.2% growth for Cambodia this year and 6.0% next year
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecast Cambodia’s GDP growth to accelerate from 4.2 percent this year to 6.0 percent in 2022, which would put the country among the fastest growing ASEAN economies next year.
‘Cambodia Burning’ Documentary Shows Unfettered Logging Impact on Forest Ecosystem
Cambodia Burning,” a documentary by filmmaker Sean Gallagher, throws light on the effect Cambodia’s unfettered logging has had on the country’s forest ecosystem. VOA’s Penelope Poulou spoke to the award-winning filmmaker