As the PPSHV Expressway stretches across the natural reserve, home to many wild animals, the constructors added shields along the wire mesh fence of 21 km as a kind of protection.
Category: Cambodia
Why Cambodia’s environmentalists fear new internet firewall
Environmental activists in Cambodia fear for their privacy and freedom of expression as the country introduces a new China-style internet firewall
Green group records 100 cases of illegal logging in protected Cambodian forest in three days
The Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) said in a news release that it had undertaken a 55-kilometer (34-mile) patrol of the Preah Roka Wildlife Sanctuary in the Preah Vihear province districts of Choam Ksan, Tbeng Meanchey, and Cheb from March 19-21, during which it recorded the 100 cases, mostly of rare and priceless timber.
Forest crimes in Cambodia: Rings of illegality in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
This report explores the ways in which laws, regulations and policies designed to afford protection for Cambodian forests and the local and indigenous people who depend on them are being abused.
‘What other country would do this to its people?’ Cambodian land grab victims seek int’l justice
As recently as June last year, the World Bank announced another $93 million would go to fund the third phase of its land tenure project in Cambodia, despite mounting allegations of abuse within the system that has led critics to accuse the World Bank of being complicit in land grabbing and the environmental damage it has caused.
Questions over Cambodia’s first oil field’s future production raised
An oil field once expected to bring much-needed wealth to the Kingdom is no longer being considered the black gold chalice it was originally hailed, it emerged last night.
Ministry to collaborate with bird association to further protection
The Ministry of Environment will collaborate with Cambodia Bird Guide Association (CBGA) to improve infrastructure and strengthen tourism services in community-protected areas, where most endangered animals live.
Tourism developments threaten Cambodia’s forests and coastline
Ream National Park was once meant to be a model of sustainable ecotourism, but powerful business interests have other plans for the richly diverse beauty spot
ANA denies allegations it grabbed land to develop tourist attraction
The Apsara National Authority (ANA) has denied allegations that it usurped land belonging to residents in Tani village of Banteay Srei district’s Run Ta Ek commune in order to create an eco-tourist attraction.
Hunt on for gaur poachers in Oddar Meanchey sanctuary
The gaur is an endangered species whose population is low. The animals are currently facing habitat loss and being hunted for meat and trade.