Category: Cambodia
Cambodia to back green-entrepreneur drive
Cambodia has committed its support for a regional initiative to develop a programme that abets home-grown innovative entrepreneurs with climate tech solutions, according to an official at the Ministry of Environment.
Green project to spur bio and economic diversity in Prey Lang
USAID’s Greening Prey Lang project supported 56 farmers in growing ibis rice. The organisation imparted farmers with technical know-how, market knowledge, sustainable natural resource management skills and, perhaps more critically, it has helped secure funding for the endeavour.
Grassroots Activists Work to Save Remaining Cardamom Mountains Rainforest
Despite decades of work in the forest, Sovannarin admits that illegal poaching and logging operations are still common throughout the protected areas, despite the longstanding efforts of the local community, NGOs, and certain government bodies to prevent such activities.
Cambodia denies reports of large scale illegal logging
Cambodia had denied reports by Amnesty International and the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) that large scale illegal logging has increased in the Prey Lang wildlife sanctuary.
World’s forgotten fish species vital for hundreds of millions of people but one-third face extinction
“Despite their importance to local communities, freshwater fish are invariably forgotten. Freshwater fish matter to the health of people and the freshwater ecosystems that all people and all life on land depend on. It’s time we remembered that,” said Mr. Seng Teak, Country Director of WWF-Cambodia.
Bridge linking Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum to open for public soon
This is the eighth bridge the Chinese government is embarking on to construct with Cambodia, the Chinese Embassy to Cambodia wrote on its Facebook page recently.
Widespread illegal logging in Prey Lang rainforest amid ban on community patrols
“While Cambodian authorities prevent the Prey Lang Community Network and environmental defenders from protecting the Prey Lang wildlife sanctuary, illegal loggers are clearing land with impunity.”
Cambodian Land Dispute Victims Hold Mass Protest Demanding Release of Activists
Land dispute victims from nearly half of Cambodia’s two dozen provinces gathered in their respective communities Tuesday as part of a solidarity protest demanding that the government drop charges against six activists arrested over the past three years after working on their behalf.
Illegal snares wreaking havoc on populations in wildlife sanctuaries
Cambodians must immediately stop consuming all wild animals in order to preserve Cambodia’s natural heritage and to stop breaking the laws of Cambodia by committing the offences of hunting and trapping them.