Of course, comparing democratic development in the Mekong region might sound like citing “the bad, the worse, and the ugly” but that is because we are using the most advanced frame of democracy from Western standard.
Category: Cambodia
Low Mekong Levels Hurt Cambodia’s Farmers, Prompting Call For Talks Between River Nations
Years of low water levels on the Mekong River are causing riparian communities in Cambodia to lose their livelihoods, prompting experts to call on nations that share the waterway to find a common solution on water usage.
Ambassador Häggmark spoke at the launch of Cambodian climate report
The Swedish Ambassador H.E. Björn Häggmark welcomed the progress which marks an increased ambition by Cambodia by the inclusion of areas such as agriculture and waste management for the 2030 targets.
Report details public water sources
“In the areas that receive the most rainfall, we need to build additional reservoirs or increase the capacities of existing reservoirs to sustain supply through the dry season. The government should be strategic. Every year, our country has lots of rainfall. The problem is how to keep the water from the rainy season for use in the dry season.”
Decree on Internet Controls in Cambodia Threat to Freedom of Expression: Journalists
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Hun Sen signed an order to launch a National Internet Gateway—similar to China’s complex network of blocks, filters, and human censorship known as the Great Firewall—which will regulate all online traffic in the interest of “protecting national security and maintaining social order.”
Forest defenders under fire in Cambodia
It seems the Cambodian authorities are not only failing to protect the country’s diverse and still-extensive forests, but also are attacking those that do.
Nearly 3K illegal burn sites identified across Kingdom
Illegal burning of rice stubble and land at the periphery of forests continues to occur throughout the Kingdom’s rural areas, especially in the north and northeast regions, according to officials who documented the activities on site.
River Terns population on the rebound along Mekong
WWF-Cambodia noted that River Terns are one of the rarest bird species in Southeast Asia. In Cambodia, their numbers have declined by 80 per cent over the past 20 years, and the nationwide population was estimated at just 54 to 62 individuals in 2018.
How Early Megacities Emerged From the Jungles of Cambodia
Though obvious in retrospect, it was the kind of incremental catastrophe that nobody could recognize until it was too late. That’s what makes Angkor’s abandonment so haunting. On a day-to-day timescale, people living there wouldn’t necessarily have noticed the city’s dramatic transformation.