Category: Cambodia
Hanging up the hard hat
Phnom Penh and many provincial cities have seen explosive development, but how sustainable is the boom?
Cambodia’s shift to coal power riles global brands
The move has drawn concern from prominent brands including clothing giants H&M, Adidas, Puma and Gap, as well as U.S. bicycle manufacturer Specialized.
Much lower water levels recorded so far in 2020
Droughts in Cambodia, which have reduced the level of water in lakes and tributaries, have in turn lowered levels in the Mekong River, leaving the Mekong basin dry.
Report shows 100,000 hectares of forest lost in Prey Lang
The Prey Lang Protected Area has lost more than 100,000 hectares of forest between 2000 and 2019, more than half of which became plantations.
Prey Veng Rice Farmers Switch to Fish Despite Uncertainty Over Export Potential
The district, home of the Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Development Center, has seen a recent crop of freshly-dug ponds, peppered among rice fields.
Clock ticking to save endangered clouded leopard in Cambodia
The Wildlife Conservation Society and the Ministry of Environment are requesting help to save the endangered clouded leopard and its habitat from extinction.
Severe drought takes toll on 40,000ha rice crops across country
Drought persists in key provinces while water sources across the country continued to dry up, further threatening its survival.