Category: Cambodia
MRC sees ‘very critical situation’ in Tonle Sap as flow reversal still delayed
More than half of the annual inflow to the lake originates from the Mekong mainstream. Thus, flow alterations in the mainstream would have direct impacts.
Land dispute with Thai firms long resolved, landless families told to submit applications
Cambodia puzzled about Thai Appeal Court’s ruling in favour of more than 700 families disputing land claim with Thai-owned sugar companies.
Class-action suit against sugar giant goes ahead
Bangkok court rules Cambodian villagers can pursue case against Mitr Phol over land-grabbing more than a decade ago.
Mondulkiri land dispute cases under probe
An inter-ministerial team is preparing a report for government leaders on cases of land encroachment and illegal logging in Mondulkiri province.
Cambodian Environmental Group Calls For End to Development on Phnom Penh’s Boeung Tamok Lake
Last month’s granting of permission to reclaim land from the lake, that is designated for public use, marks the eighth time the government has done so.