Although Cambodia has escaped largely unscathed from the medical effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic the effects of lost jobs on household incomes is something else.
Category: Cambodia
Fishermen without fish as Cambodia’s river reversal runs late
Fisherman San Savuth, 25, wants Cambodia’s government to negotiate the release of water from Mekong dams to help Kampong Khleang’s 2,000 families.
Prey Veng’s potential as a Wetland Zone mulled as Protected Natural Area
Will include parts of a potential multi-purpose wetland area locally called “Boeungsne-Tuolporn Talei” in Prey Veng province as a protected natural area.
World Bank lends US$100 million for climate-resilient road project funded
The project will enhance rural communities’ access to critical services, such as health centers, referral hospitals, schools and markets, through the improvement of climate-resilient rural roads.
Cambodia’s silent wildlife slaughter risks zoonotic crossovers
The alarming rate of wildlife slaughter for the illicit bushmeat trade, raising concerns of the risk of a home-grown zoonotic crossover event similar to what may have spawned the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forest activist seeking PM’s intervention in ‘assault’ case
The beating, he said, occurred after he filed a complaint against some citizens and officials for allowing land-stealing at the Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary and the Tampuans’ designated land.
COVID-19 opens a can of worms for fisherwomen in Cambodia
Now, although Cambodia has reported only 125 COVID-19 cases in all, restricted mobility has reduced the demand for fish products. Where demand exists, supply chains have been severely disrupted.
Koh Kong villagers trade logging for agriculture
Over the last 10 years, the Chi Phat area has become a safe wildlife sanctuary and a beautiful forestry area that attracts tourists.