But the real game changer will be the Pan-Asia Railway Network, with separate routs via Vietnam and Cambodia, one through Laos and the third through Myanmar.
Category: China
‘Single-minded determination’: China’s global infrastructure spree rings alarm bells
“It’s basically under the guise of internationalizing China, but it’s more about resource extraction and attaining materials.”
Strong cities needed
Climate migrants are further exposing the need for Bangkok planners to come up with better methods to confine urban sprawl, cope with climate change and ensure a better deal for all.
Chinese constructors complete foundation of cross-Mekong River super bridges
The China-Lao high speed railway will cross the Mekong at Luang Prabang, the UNESCO-listed city in northern Laos, as part of the new trans-Asian railway network.
Transboundary EIAs could reduce conflict over river projects
Ignoring cross border impacts of large infrastructure projects will spark conflict along rivers.
Southeast Asian forest loss much greater than expected, with negative implications for climate
The findings are important: they raise questions about assumptions made in global climate change projections as well as future environmental conditions in the region.
China plays key role in Cambodia’s energy development, says minister
There are seven Chinese-invested hydropower plants (1,328 MW), three coal-fired power plants (515 MW) and solar power plants.
Deluge of electronic waste turning Thailand into ‘world’s rubbish dump’
Thailand has been swamped by waste from the west after Chinese ban on imports
Lancang-Mekong media summit to be held in Laos
Taking place July 1-3, led by Lao Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and China’s People’s Daily.
ACMECS and CLMV need reforms
These Mekong regional summits take place this weekend in Bangkok, and should be integrated into one body.