During the first major session held on the first day of the Asian Development Bank’s 50th annual meeting in Yokohama, an activist handed President Takehiko Nakao a pair of gifts. The first was a photo book, entitled “A Visual Testimony of Asian Development Bank’s 50 Years of Destruction,” the second a financing trend analysis: “Missing the Mark ADB@50.”
Category: Laos
Pak Beng Consultation Process Improved, But To What End?
The recent Pak Beng public forum illustrates regional engagement in the basin, especially about dam planning. But will the improved process translated into a more community and environmentally conscious project?
Can ASEAN Save the Mekong River?
As discussions continue, the future of one of the world’s greatest rivers is as bleak as ever.
China’s blasting of Mekong will cause environmental peril
China’s plan to blast waterfalls and rapids to clear the Mekong River to allow large cargo ships to pass through has raised concerns among the public as it will damage the habitat for marine life and harm people’s lives.
ADB president calls for new Infrastructure Investment
More investment in infrastructure is needed to support continued growth in Asia and the Pacific and combat climate change, Asian Development Bank (ADB) president Takehiko Nakao said in his opening address at the 50th annual meeting of ADB’s board of governors on Saturday.
China’s Silk Road threatens the mighty Mekong River
China wants to remove rocks and sandbanks to allow ships of up to 500 tonnes to sail from its landlocked province of Yunnan to the sleepy Laotian town of Luang Prabang.
Local activists protest against Mekong survey
More than 30 local activists Friday held a peaceful protest against the survey operation for the Mekong River Navigation Channel Improvement Project at Pha Phra in Chiang Rai’s Chiang Khong District.
Chinese company to build modern agricultural industrial park in Laos
Lao Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China’s Xuanye (Lao) Co., Ltd/AVIC International Beijing Co., Ltd on a modern agricultural industrial park project in Laos.
Governor denies bid to stop protest on Mekong blasting
CHIANG RAI’S governor has denied that the authorities attempted to block a protest against a Chinese team that is surveying the Mekong River as part of the Navigation Route Improvement project, although local residents say the order has been issued.
Pulling the plug on power in Cambodia
The cityscape of Phnom Penh resembles a work in progress. On a strip of land marking the cross-section of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers, a new hotel under construction and empty plots face the centuries-old Royal Palace.