Countries in the Lancang-Mekong area such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar have advantages in growing bananas such as lower labor costs and better weather conditions, Wang Anbang, head of the cooperation project for the region’s banana industry, said.
Category: Laos
Mekong River: Chinese Dam Releases Threaten Downstream Ecosystems, Livelihoods
Parts of the Mekong River in Laos have risen suddenly during the dry season by as much as 12 cm in one day, threatening fish stocks, wildlife and aquatic plants vital to livelihoods.
Feasibility study by Chinese firm for Forestry and Eco Agriculture project gets underway
However, the Chinese company needs to finish their feasibility study to determine which kind of plantation is suitable for this area taking into consideration the soil mixture and quality, temperature and climate suitability.
Lao government, ethnic communities clash over development projects
The recent conflict between the Lao government and Hmong communities appears to be tied to plans for economic integration and investment projects, including mining, logging, hydropower and tourism.
Chinese Casino Mogul Zhao Wei Explores Expansion Out of Laos’ Golden Triangle SEZ
A controversial Chinese casino kingpin with a large business network in Laos is looking to develop tourism facilities in remote areas of the Southeast Asian country, sources in Laos told RFA.
Chinese Dams Unleash Mekong Waters on Laos During ‘Dry’ Season
Chinese dams on the Mekong River have begun releasing water during the river’s normal dry season, causing trouble for wildlife, farmers and fishermen in Lao
Russia to Build Airport, Train Armed Forces in Sign of Strengthening Military Ties With Laos
Besides the airport, the Russians intend to expand military cooperation with Laos that will include building a facility to train Lao troops on how to use Russian military equipment,
Lao govt pushes for road links between railway production sites
“Basically, we are focusing on railway development, especially the construction of four major rail stations that will become the hubs of new modern towns. These towns will be connected to industrial parks and agricultural production zones in 10 provinces through the improvement of roads.”
Lao Government Troops Launch New Assault Against Hmong at Phou Bia Mountain
“As you know, this escalation of violence coincides with a push towards the development of Phou Bia Mountain as both a tourist site and an area of interest to foreign investment,”
Can the EU’s climate change plan work in Southeast Asia?
There’s big money driving dirty energy. If the EU takes a strong forceful stance on coal consumption in the region, it could spark anger from the main exporters of the commodity, China, India and Australia