Fighting for victims of government land grabs and dam collapses that have left hundreds stuck in poor housing without a way to earn a living.
Category: Laos
Hin Nam No to gain World Heritage status by 2022
Laos is hopeful that Hin Nam No (Karst) National Protection Area in Bualapha district of Khammuan province will achieve UNESCO World Heritage status by 2022.
Illegal trade with terrestrial vertebrates in Laos
Lao PDR should assume the responsibility to introduce conservation measures to keep control over the predicted population declines.
Lao Villagers Displaced by Dam Are Left Without Farms, Money For New Land
More than 80 families affected by dam construction in northern Laos have lost farmland and orchards.
Moody’s downgrades Laos’s rating to Caa2, outlook negative
While borrowing requirements remain moderate at about 13% of GDP, the government has not developed a credible financing strategy to meet both near- and medium-term debt payments.
New Mekong dam ignores threats to UNESCO World Heritage city, livelihoods and ecosystems
In Laos, the push for hydropower near the ancient capital of Luang Prabang shows that plans to dam the Mekong River basin are already going awry.
Laos: Ecotourism motivates villagers to conserve wildlife
Benefits generated by ecotourism have helped people to make a change from hunting and consuming wildlife to conserving endangered species.
Regional project’s new financing benefits Lao agroecology, safe food system
€12 million in funding for a regional project to support the transition of food and agricultural production towards more sustainable systems in Southeast Asia.
Lao Farm Worker Beaten, Tied Up, in Dispute at Chinese Banana Plantation
“Suddenly, he was beaten up by five Lao and Chinese men, then taken to the office where he was held at knife point and asked by the Chinese boss: ‘Do you want to die?’”
Agencies told to find ways to mitigate dam impact
Thailand is concerned about the potential environmental impacts from the planned Sanakham Dam project in Laos to be located two kilometres from its border.