Mekong transboundary water issues across four Lower Basin Mekong countries is the subject of a new video by the Mekong River Commission.
Category: Mekong
The ‘Silk Road’ Verdict
China’s massive infrastructure plan to link it to Europe, including parts of Southeast Asia, does not measure up to economic reality.
Mekong Delta faces troubling sand shortage
Provinces in the Mekong Delta have run out of sand for construction at a time when many key infrastructure works are in progress.
Cambodian Villagers Brace For Flooding in Test of Sesan II Dam
A test of floodgates in Cambodia’s Sesan II Dam looks set to flood two downstream villages, with more than 100 families vowing not to leave after refusing offers of compensation.
Robust globe key to Laos’ growth
LAOS’ ECONOMY is set to remain one of the fastest growing in the region in coming years as long as the global economic recovery remains on track, according to international financial institutions.
Mekong Institute shifts its aid focus
The new focus on social assistance with knowledge training in GMS countries was a shift from economic aid, MI Chairman said at the Mekong Forum on “New Geo-economics: Reshaping the Future of the GMS?”
Laos Expects to Have 100 Hydropower Plants by 2020
Laos has expected to operate 100 hydropower plants with combined installed generation capacity of 28,000 MW and annual power output of about 77,000 million KWh by 2020.
Deepening World Bank and AIIB cooperation: Locking in a failed development model?
Civil society fears that the AIIB, far from providing developing countries a different development and financing paradigm, is on its way to supporting existing development models that do nothing to assist developing countries.
Fishing Communities Voice Concerns Over Laos Dam as Consultation Ends
The $2.3 billion project will be located about 1,500 kilometers from the Cambodia-Laos border and is expected to be completed in 2024.
Ministry identifies eight causes behind landslides in Mekong Delta
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s (MARD) report on the cause of landslides in the Mekong Delta has pointed out eight reasons, but scientists say the report is too vague, making it difficult to find reasonable solutions.