More investment in infrastructure is needed to support continued growth in Asia and the Pacific and combat climate change, Asian Development Bank (ADB) president Takehiko Nakao said in his opening address at the 50th annual meeting of ADB’s board of governors on Saturday.
Category: Mekong
Vietnam looks for shrimp farming to save the Mekong Delta
About 700 000 hectares of rice and other agriculture crops in Vietnam were destroyed by climate-induced natural disasters in 2016, reports the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
China’s Silk Road threatens the mighty Mekong River
China wants to remove rocks and sandbanks to allow ships of up to 500 tonnes to sail from its landlocked province of Yunnan to the sleepy Laotian town of Luang Prabang.
Governor denies bid to stop protest on Mekong blasting
CHIANG RAI’S governor has denied that the authorities attempted to block a protest against a Chinese team that is surveying the Mekong River as part of the Navigation Route Improvement project, although local residents say the order has been issued.
2017 SEI Science Forum, Bangkok, May 30
Stockholm Environment Institute’s 2017 SEI Science Forum aims to support a dynamic and enduring exchange between science, people and policy, specifically focusing on the Asian region.
Joint panel discusses prior consultation process for Pakbaeng dam
Delegates from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam met yesterday at the second meeting of the Joint Committee Working Group (JCWG) on the procedures for notification, prior consultation and agreement (PNPCA) for the Pakbeng hydropower project.
Enormous Fish Make One of the World’s Largest Migrations
Billions of fish make an annual trek through the rivers of Southeast Asia, supporting millions of people. Yet scientists still don’t know much about them.
Guidelines on Public Participation in EIA in the Mekong Region are now available
The Guidelines on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Mekong Region have been developed to address the shared concern for increasing meaningful public participation in development planning, in the context of increasing investment projects across the Mekong region.
Decision-Makers Must Recognize Irreversible Impacts of Dams on Mekong River and People’s Lives
International Rivers believes that recent comments attributed in the media to the CEO of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) raise serious concerns about the role and positioning of the MRC Secretariat and the future of decision-making over hydropower development in the Mekong.
Mekong Delta sinks into the sea
The Mekong Delta is sinking 2.5cm every year because of ground water extraction and unreasonable planning and constructions on the surface.