Poverty drives gambling on marriage in China, but domestic realities there frequently unravel, leaving women at risk of abuse, detention or ‘resale’ into prostitution.
Category: Mekong
Strengthening forest governance is vital for growth of Southeast Asia’s forests
Forest governance laws in the Greater Mekong Subregion and around the world are prone to systematic failures.
GMS biodiversity conservation corridors to operate from 2019
Project to strengthen cross-border cooperation and the management of the forest ecosystems among countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Funding to Mekong River Commission for water cooperation
The German government and the European Union have agreed to provide $US10 million to enhance Mekong cross-border water cooperation.
Mega-dam costs outweigh benefits, global building spree should end: experts
The National Academy of Sciences in the United States published findings that further confirm that the true environmental and social costs of hydroelectric dams have been grossly underestimated.
Taiwanese meth cooks drive Mekong drug glut
Taiwanese chemists are helping “Golden Triangle” drug lords, mainly in neighbouring Myanmar’s self-administered Wa state, to pump out more drugs than ever.
Japan’s Foreign Policy in the Mekong Region
Japan’s success in the Mekong does not solely depend on its economic statecraft nor on China’s development initiatives.
China’s ban on trash imports shifts waste crisis to Southeast Asia
Across Southeast Asia, recyclers operating in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume that China once easily absorbed.