We hear it is difficult to define what a “beneficial owner” is, or establish a threshold, or ensure that the information is accurate, make sure that you got the right disclosure mechanism.
Category: Myanmar
Controversial land law threatens Myanmar ethnic communities
“If this is mishandled, it could even spark widespread civil unrest and a return to armed conflict in parts of the country.”
Civil society groups from across Myanmar hold anti-hydropower protest
These dams directly threaten and exploit the fragile ecology of the rivers and the ethnic communities who rely on them for their survival.
Locals pray for Salween River to always run free
EGAT eyeing mega-projects that may destroy river’s ecosystem; water-diversion project will also harm Mekong, pristine forest.
Myanmar’s Leader Urges ‘Broad-minded’ Look at Chinese Dam And Other Big Projects
Aung San Su Kyi said that is important for her government to uphold investment projects approved by previous administrations, or risk being perceived by investors as “not reliable and volatile.”
Trends in small-scale fishery in Myanmar: Tenure rights and gender
New investment and government policies are oriented toward opening up the country, but the voices and aspirations of those who are among those being most affected by these dynamics – men and women in the small-scale fishery sector – are mostly invisible.
Law amended to ease acquisition of Myanmar’s forest land
A new provision will allow the developer of certain infrastructure projects to acquire forest lands required for the construction of the project by paying a fee.
Myanmar’s Myitsone Dam Dilemma
Pitted against the wounded ego of Beijing and the anger of Chinese hydropower investors are very high stakes on Myanmar’s side of the fence: national pride, self-determination.
Coral Reefs Are Now In Danger Of Getting Diseases Caused By Plastic Pollution In The Oceans
The Coral Reefs Are Now In Danger Of Getting Diseases Caused By Plastic Pollution In The Oceans