Category: Myanmar
Myanmar Christian leaders join calls against Myitsone dam revival
Ongoing protests have brought together Catholic priests and nuns to demand an end to the controversial project that activists say will damage the environment displace thousands.
Myanmar: A New Pattern of China-Japan Interactions?
If Japan and China focus on different rail systems in Myanmar, can their division of labor create a new pattern for cooperation?
How Myanmar indigenous peoples defend their rights over natural resources
The Karen people also have been campaigning for more than a decade against the construction of the 1,365 MW Hatgyi Dam pushed by the Burmese government along with Thai and Chinese companies.
Orchid defenders face mammoth task
With few nurseries, Myanmar’s wild (illegally picked) orchids find their way to China, Vietnam and Thailand which are now in an orchid frenzy as their middle and upper classes are growing.
The great sand heist
The mining of sand from Myanmar’s rivers could be creating an environmental crisis with potentially serious consequences for the 34 million people who live in the Ayeyarwady River basin.
“Our land is collapsing around us’: Ayeyarwady at risk from rampant sand mining
Irresponsible sand mining is destroying the livelihoods of farmers and fishers and placing environmental stress on the nation’s rice bowl.
China advising on hydro policy as govt backs away from IFC assessment
Doubts now casts on Myanmar’s commitment to the key recommendation in the IFC’s SEA that five of its mainstem rivers be reserved from hydropower development.
Myanmar parliament passes gemstone bill amid criticism
The law does not specify how to tackle companies which bypass the size restrictions, for example, by applying small or medium-scale licences next to each other.