Irresponsible sand mining is destroying the livelihoods of farmers and fishers and placing environmental stress on the nation’s rice bowl.
Category: Myanmar
China advising on hydro policy as govt backs away from IFC assessment
Doubts now casts on Myanmar’s commitment to the key recommendation in the IFC’s SEA that five of its mainstem rivers be reserved from hydropower development.
Myanmar parliament passes gemstone bill amid criticism
The law does not specify how to tackle companies which bypass the size restrictions, for example, by applying small or medium-scale licences next to each other.
Our wetlands are worth saving
“There is little research data on wetlands in our country. Designating the areas Ramsar sites is not enough. Further conservation work is needed because people are farming and raising livestock in these areas.”
On track to meet Yangon’s growing water needs
Besides Yangon, many other parts of the country face water shortages during the hot season, roughly from mid-February to mid-May.