The government is having a difficult time conducting biodiversity surveys in conflict-torn areas of the country because of a lack of access and security concerns among Forestry Department personnel
Category: Myanmar
Vice president says country needs National Land Law
Among the main challenges the government faces today in relation to land use are land disputes, the inability of the government to give permission to invest in vast land areas, outdated laws and procedures, no connection and compatibility between laws that are enacted in different sectors.
China agrees to continue Kyaukpyu project, key compoent of SEZ
“If the new agreement is made, the loan to implement the project will be included through the private sector. It cannot be tracked back to Myanmar government. At present, I am concentrating on Myanmar government to lessen its debt load,” said Sett Aung.
Myanmar at bottom of global index on illicit trade
Ranks 82 out of 84 countries evaluated, with score of 23.0 out of 100. Apart from Iraq and Libya—Myanmar shows the poorest structural defense against illicit trade.
Saving Mekong forests must remain a focus for slowing climate change
As the IPCC readies its Special Report Global Warming at 1.5 °C, world leading scientists warn forest protection is paramount. How will the Mekong Region respond? Ask China.
The future of fish farming in Myanmar
Either continue to sustainably increase its aquaculture production or to shift its focus towards more intensive methods to allow it to cater to the ever-growing demand for seafood in China.