A team of officials has studied several rivers in Rakhine State and concluded that some are suitable for hydropower production, sources say.
Category: Myanmar
At Mekong Forum, a focus on US disengagement and China’s rise
As keynote speakers at this year’s Mekong Forum repeatedly underscored the rise of China amid growing unpredictability of U.S. policies, the sole U.S. representative in the half-filled ballroom in Khon Kaen, cut a lonely figure.
Earth from Space: Irrawaddy Delta, Myanmar
The Sentinel-2A satellite takes us over the peninsulas and islands of the Irrawaddy Delta in Myanmar.
Climate change will force mass migration of 1 billion by 2100
Asia Pacific is the most vulnerable region to climate change, and poor people are to be hit the hardest, prompting migration on a massive scale: ADB report
The ‘Silk Road’ Verdict
China’s massive infrastructure plan to link it to Europe, including parts of Southeast Asia, does not measure up to economic reality.
Time to switch to natural gas to protect the earth
Resident Trump’s decision to withdraw the USA from the landmark Paris climate accord must not become a distraction from urgent global efforts to combat climate change.
Powering ahead to solve Southeast Asia’s energy challenges
Southeast Asia wants to shift to a clean energy system, but high energy demand and cost pressures could slow progress. The upcoming Asia Power Week brings together industry and policy leaders to discuss solutions to these issues.
Lack of accountability and clarity in SEZ Law highlighted in Dawei
An inadequate legal framework, poor implementation process, absence of accountabilities and the lack of transparency lead to violations of human rights and environmental disruption in Myanmar’s Special Economic Zones: experts.
Kachin villagers protest against gold mining in Ayeyawady River
Residents of a Kachin village say their farmland has been ruined due to rampant gold mining on the Ayeyawady River in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State.
Japanese businesses express no interest in Dawei or Kyaukphyu SEZ
Interview with Katsuji Nakagawa from the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Myanmar: “…At least among JCCM members, we did not have any comments like ‘oh we want to support Dawei”.