An inadequate legal framework, poor implementation process, absence of accountabilities and the lack of transparency lead to violations of human rights and environmental disruption in Myanmar’s Special Economic Zones: experts.
Category: Myanmar
Kachin villagers protest against gold mining in Ayeyawady River
Residents of a Kachin village say their farmland has been ruined due to rampant gold mining on the Ayeyawady River in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State.
Japanese businesses express no interest in Dawei or Kyaukphyu SEZ
Interview with Katsuji Nakagawa from the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Myanmar: “…At least among JCCM members, we did not have any comments like ‘oh we want to support Dawei”.
Belt and Road must learn from mistakes of Myitsone Dam, says academic
The success of China’s Belt and Road scheme hinges on whether Beijing can learn from the mistakes of Myitsone Dam and engage with Myanmar on an equal basis, the chair of a Singapore-based think tank says.
No bad vibes from Myanmar over mass worker exodus, says Thai foreign minister
Myanmar authorities have not sent negative signals towards Thailand after thousands of Myanmar workers in the Kingdom returned to their homeland following the enactment of the new foreign labour law.
JICA draws up development plan for Tanintharyi and Dawei SEZ
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will take the lead in the drafting of the master plan for Tanintharyi Region, according to a representative from JICA.
NLD positive on clean coal technology
Clean coal technology might be an option for the government’s energy policy, according to an NLD spokesperson.
Thailand plans to sign electricity accord with Laos and Malaysia
THAILAND is preparing to sign a tripartite electricity-trading agreement with two neighbouring countries at the upcoming Asean Ministers of Energy Meeting.
Norwegian Firm Wins Contract for Dam Impact Assessment
The Upper Yeywa dam, slated for the Kyaukme area of northern Shan State, has aroused considerable local opposition amid a backdrop of conflict, displacement and fighting in the project area.
Court rejects ‘duplicate’ lawsuit against journalist and Nation News Network
A Roi Et court has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed against The Nation journalist Pratch Rujivanarom and Nation News Network Co Ltd.