Although a verbal promise had been made for compensation to be paid for lands which were seized from a subsidiary of a Chinese firm Wanbao Mining, Myanmar Yang Tse is still operating the Sabetaung and Kyisintaung mines beside Letpadaung.
Category: Myanmar
Southeast Asia Faces Climate Change Cooperation Challenges
Southeast Asia faces far reaching challenges in ensuring regional cooperation in dealing with climate change after the decision by the United States to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Myanmar Deserves More Than a Miserable Media Environment
According to the recently-released 2017 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Myanmar moved up 12 places in the rankings since last year and stands at 131 among 180 countries.
Power giants expand grid projects
China’s power giants are carving out new business opportunities by building cross-border electricity grids through renewable energy projects.
An optimistic picture
New research from Oxford University looks at how Chinese dam builders are increasingly adopting international construction standards in response to dam opposition.
Will China’s new Silk Road be green?
Will the Belt and Road Initiative bring environmental devastation or a new era of Chinese global resource stewardship? Asks Lili Pike
Sharing of resources is ‘key to long-lasting peace’ in Myanmar
Aung San Suu Kyi’s government asked to prioritize resource sharing as Myanmar’s second session of peace talks got underway this week. Civil society and politicians in Kachin State have called on the Myanmar government to prioritize regulation of the mining sector in their efforts to end the associated human rights abuses and deadly armed conflict.
Myanmar MP demands environmental protection
Myanmar MP, Dr Aung Khin, representing Pyin Oo Lwin, said, due to rapid deforestation, the country faced its severest weather conditions in 2015 and 2016. The country’s efforts to conserve the natural environment was at the lowest stage. The country ranked 164th out of 178 countries in the 2014 Environmental Performance Index, which suggested that more needed to be done for the conservation of natural resources, the MP said.
Vietnam urges Laos to rethink Mekong River dams
The Mekong Delta will disappear in the next several decades once Pak Beng Dam and another 10 planned hydropower dams are built on the Mekong River in Laos and Cambodia, delegates warned at a conference on Saturday in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.
China wants to dynamite the Mekong River to increase trade
China wants to blow up rapids in Thailand and Laos to make way for cargo ships (ABC News)
Environmental groups in Thailand are concerned about China’s plan to blast shallow parts of the Mekong River to allow heavy shipping.