Myitsone Dam, Kachin Conflict under Spotlight in New Film

A new documentary film premiering in Rangoon this weekend offers a view into the social upheaval and dislocation caused by the Myitsone Dam project in Kachin State.

Produced over four years, including months embedded in the now largely abandoned Tang Hpre village in the dam’s catchment area, Dams, Drugs and Democracy charts community opposition to the dam before and after President Thein Sein announced the controversial megaproject’s suspension in 2011.

Minister says Dawei SEZ ‘like renovating some parts of an old house in order to prevent it from collapsing’

The Dawei Special Economic Zone has been championed by both the Myanmar and Thai governments as a promising industrial development for Myanmar, yet there have been difficulties getting the project off the ground.

According to the agreement, the initial phase of the project must be carried out on the 7-square-kilometre land allotted for the special zone, and 65 percent of construction must be completed within three years from the signing date. In the meantime, Italian-Thai Development has been building infrastructure such as roads, bridges, water supplies and buildings.

As Dawei “initial phase” 65% complete, locals left in the dark

The Dawei Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) is a major industrial project and deep sea port now at an initial phase of construction located in Taninthayri Region, Myanmar. The original plan, led by the Thai construction company Ital-Thai since 2008, was for a US$ 50 billion project that entailed a 250 kilometer square industrial zone. However, by 2012 the project was in deep trouble as it failed to attract investment and was challenged by civil society groups concerned about impact on local livelihoods and the environment, as well as the overall decision-making process around the project.

Border trade plans leave locals in flux

Farmland at this time of the year — the beginning of harvesting season — was once filled with produce waiting to be harvested.

But since the government announced the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Tak earlier this year, Mr Sombat said farmers such as himself have been afraid to invest in farming as they have no idea if they will have to leave their land.

New report highlights ‘devastating human cost’ of Upper Paunglaung Dam project

A report released on October 5 details human rights violations committed by the Myanmar government in the development of the Upper Paunglaung Dam project in southwest Shan State.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), Land in Our Hands (LIOH) and Kayan New Generation Youth (KNGY) jointly published the report which found that households were subject to forced displacement by the government, experienced an increase in poverty and reported food security issues, water shortages, mental health issues and suicides.

Imagining Dawei

There is a lone white concrete marker at Dawei’s Kilometre Zero, where storms come ashore from the Andaman Sea and where the long, unpaved road to Thailand begins.

There is little now auguring that the white marker will one day be at the centre of Dawei special economic zone (SEZ), a mammoth project more than one-quarter the size of Singapore. In its entirety it will cost billions of dollars to build, potentially creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and generating up to 5 percent of Myanmar’s GDP.