Of all the places in the world most likely to be profoundly harmed from rising sea levels and increased frequency of storms, the Bay of Bengal and the Nicobar Islands are the most likely to face sustained, wrenching change.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
New reports highlight impacts of human and environmental incursions in the Lower Mekong Basin
Both reports recommend that fish stocks are protected to ensure food supplies for millions of people living in the LMB and safeguard any further erosion in household incomes.
Alarm as haze plan ‘lacking’
Environment experts and academics are voicing their concern over the authorities’ lack of preparation to deal with the upcoming haze season.
They say the government needs to strengthen its pollution control regulations to better mitigate the problem at its source and protect the people’s health.
Ninh Thuan works to protect sea turtles
Having seen a significant reduction in the number of sea turtles and their breeding activities, the central coastal province of Ninh Thuan is making efforts to address the situation.
As COP looms, Prince William’a Earthshot Prize to Thai-German-Italian team
The “Fix our Climate” laureate went to a joint Thai-German-Italian team for the AEM Electrolyzer, which uses renewable energy to make clean hydrogen by splitting water into its constituent elements.
Lao workers feel the sting of chemical use at Chinese-run banana farms
Workers on the plantations remain exposed to hazardous chemicals which growers import from China even though they are banned in Laos. Yet, they accept dangerous working conditions because they earn more money on the banana farms than by doing other jobs.
Vietnam’s coal-fired power may double by 2030 under draft energy plan
Vietnam may double the amount of coal-fired electric generation it installs by 2030 under a draft power development plan submitted to the prime minister for approval last week.
EU backs Cambodia’s goals to curb greenhouse gas emissions
The EU pays close attention and supports Cambodia and member countries in developing long-term plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by keeping global temperatures below two degrees Celsius.
Pandemic leads to epidemic
Thailand’s plastic reduction roadmap should lead to a clear-cut law. The roadmap should not be just a suggested direction, otherwise it is not enough to make obvious changes because it will be just asking for people’s co-operation.
Lancang-Mekong Research and Policy Forums to discuss water insecurity
On 27-28 Oct SUMERNET will host two online events “Lancang-Mekong Research and Policy Forums” aimed at strengthening research-policy cooperation and partnerships to address water security in times of uncertainty in the Lancang-Mekong Region.