Significance lies in environmental and ecological protection by using the same building standards and cutting-edge technology utilized in China to decrease environmental risks, while the electricity transmission pole project has helped train local people in grid operation and management with the goal of creating jobs and assuring power supply.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
New data shows strong air pollution policies lengthen life expectancy
In Southeast Asia, air pollution is emerging as a major threat in metropolises like Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta. The average resident in these cities stands to gain two to five years of life expectancy if pollution levels were reined in to meet the WHO guideline.
Fishing vessels to be closely controlled to end IUU
Preventing and ending vessels’ illegal fishing overseas is the first requirement to lift “yellow card” warning by the European Commission, said Deputy General Director of the Directorate of Fisheries Nguyen Quang Hung.
Hong Kong energy firm ditches two Myanmar projects
The company, which has a stake in nine power plants across Myanmar, said it will not be renewing the contracts for power stations in Kyaukphyu Township, Rakhine State, and Myingyan Township in Mandalay Region.
Housing complete for villagers displaced by Nam Thuen 1 Hydropower Project
Construction of the project began in June 2016, at a total value of USD 1.335 billion, with a 70 percent loan from a Thai banking group and a 30 percent contribution from stakeholders.
‘Leave no one behind’ in energy, climate, environment drives: PM
Remarks from a pre-recorded video that was broadcasted at the Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum 2021 on September 3, the first of the two-day event, held both virtually and in-person under the theme “Energy, Climate and Environment”. The forum was attended by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and leaders of many other countries.
Thailand censured for releasing dam water, flooding border area
Thailand is being blamed for repeatedly not following the spirit of a memorandum of understanding, which states that the Thais must provide advance information about when the gates are opened so that Cambodia can prepare.
Sokhonn set for Korea visit, Mekong-ROK foreign ministers’ meeting
The Mekong-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting will review the progress of the cooperation, the mechanism set out in the Plan of Action (2021-2025), private sector engagement, and the future direction of the mechanism.
Not just sea life: Migratory fish, birds and mammals also fall foul of plastic
In major freshwater systems, marine mammals are particularly at risk from drowning following entanglement in discarded fishing gear. The report cites the Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica), of which an estimated 3,500 remain, and the Mekong population of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris), which numbers less than 100, as particularly vulnerable.
Floating fish farms still adrift in limbo
“Due to concerns about the spread of Covid-19 and for the safety of local people, authorities did not let them moor their boats or come on land,” sid the district govenor.