The programme is part of activities of the Mekong – India SME Internationalisation Programme funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to integrate small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of India and GMS member countries into global value chains and promote the India-GMS trade connectivity.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Deforestation-free supply chains in Vietnam rely on working with small scale farmers
Almost all of the forest-based commodities produced in Vietnam are destined for other countries, which through their market requirements and laws, have a growing sway on deforestation-related trends and practices.
43 new sites identified for carbon credit
The team will use the data of the identified sites to estimate carbon stock for the whole REDD+ project site in conformance with the third-party carbon standards and Cambodian’s national REDD+ framework.
Air pollution cuts Hanoian lifespan by 2.5 years: study
This is the first study to use data provided by local authorities to evaluate the burden of disease caused by impacts of PM2.5 dust pollution on public health in Hanoi.
Refineries opt for advanced technologies to address global warming challenges
To cope with the expectations for refineries, Dow has developed UCARSOL as the latest innovative gas treating solution. UCARSOL captures GHG emitted by sizable industrial plants, including oil refineries, gas separation plants, electricity generating plants, and fertilizer factories, achieving both improved efficiency and enhanced environmental protection.
Mekong Basin issues need political will, activists say
“From upriver in China down to the delta in Vietnam, throughout the course of the Mekong River, people are suffering from adverse impacts of hydropower dam projects. I hope the governments of Mekong countries will have courage to discuss this problem and find a substantial solution.”
Cambodian dam a ‘disaster’ for local communities, rights group says
The report highlights the humanitarian and environmental shortcomings of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is advancing many similar projects across Africa and Asia.
Damming the Mekong Basin to environmental hell
For starters, by reducing the flow of freshwater and nutrient-rich sediment from the Himalayas into the sea, these mega-dams are causing a retreat of the Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam. The resulting seawater intrusion is forcing rice farmers to switch to shrimp farming or growing reeds.
Thanaleng Dry Port, Vientiane Logistics Park will drive Laos’ land-link, mega-project effort
The dry port and logistics park is one of four mega projects under the Lao Logistics Link (LLL) project, which PTLH has been granted a concession to develop. The other three projects are the Vung Ang seaport in Vietnam’s central Ha Tinh province, which the Lao developer and its Vietnamese partner will jointly develop and operate; a planned railway connecting Vientiane with the seaport; and a planned 2,000MW coal-fired power plant in central Khammuan province.