China’s plan to reduce outflows from its Jinghong hydropower station in Yunnan province has now been rescheduled to the end of August, says a notification from China’s Ministry of Water Resources.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Vientiane dry port a transport hub for region and world, Japanese diplomats told
Under construction in Dongphosy village, Hadxaifong district, Vientiane, the TDP and VLP are part of the Lao National Logistics Strategy that will help transform Laos from being landlocked to a land-linked country, Thanaleng Dry Port Managing Director Sakhone Philangam told the visiting guests.
We Support “World Heritage, Blood Heritage” Campaign!
We object in the strongest terms to the declaration of Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex (KKFC), the ancestral lands of the Karen people, as a World Heritage Site on 26th July 2021. The World Heritage Committee has set a dangerous precedent by disregarding severe cases of reported human rights violations and history of the Karen people. Further, the very act of the Committee’s adoption of the KKFC as a World Heritage violates the fundamental rights of the Indigenous Peoples living in the area and international human rights law.
China poised for Thailand’s solar move
With its factories and investments in Thailand, China will be increasingly important to the Southeast Asian nation’s transition from fossil fuels
Is Cambodia’s thirst for sand putting communities and the Mekong at risk?
Figures supplied to The Third Pole by the Ministry of Mines and Energy indicate that the sand mining craze in Cambodia has only just begun. The extraction rate from the Mekong and Bassac rivers rose from 6 million cubic metres in 2019 to 10 million – the equivalent of 4,000 olympic size swimming pools – in the first quarter of this year.
Myanmar Junta Weaponizing Aid
is no surprise to anybody. It is just one more crime against humanity committed by the regime, which has already committed a long list of genocidal actions, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Strengthening climate resilience through better flood management
Under the moderate and severe climate change scenarios, the transboundary flood losses will be 2 to 6 times greater in the Ganga-Brahmaputra and Meghna basin; 1.5 to 5 times in the Indus basin: 1.2 to 2 times in the Mekong basin; and 1.1 to 1.5 times in the Amur basin.
Bad news for the Mekong Delta
What is of particular interest in the research that has been pursued for more than a decade is the conclusion that to date climate change is responsible for only about five per cent of the delta’s current problems. Rather, it argues that until now the chief culprits are the dams that have been built on the Mekong’s mainstream in China and Laos—11 in China and two so far in Laos—plus the upwards of 300 dams that have been constructed on the tributaries that flow into the Mekong.
Ethnic communities in Myanmar opposing a coal plant see their fight get harder
In Myanmar’s ethnic areas, Indigenous people have faced the loss of their lands, community forests, and deteriorating health conditions.
Thai tiger population grows
Thailand has at least 177 Indochinese tigers roaming in the wild this year, an increase of 17 from last year, according to the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP).