Chinese dams on the Mekong River have begun releasing water during the river’s normal dry season, causing trouble for wildlife, farmers and fishermen in Lao
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Mekong governance across borders ‘critical’
Fishermen living next to the Mekong have seen their wealth diminishing with changing water flow patterns – a phenomenon observed over the past two decades since China started building 11 dams in its upper Mekong.
Vietnam tightens land management
The environment ministry said land prices in some localities and areas have increased dramatically, which could affect socio-economic development and investment projects.
Green group records 100 cases of illegal logging in protected Cambodian forest in three days
The Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) said in a news release that it had undertaken a 55-kilometer (34-mile) patrol of the Preah Roka Wildlife Sanctuary in the Preah Vihear province districts of Choam Ksan, Tbeng Meanchey, and Cheb from March 19-21, during which it recorded the 100 cases, mostly of rare and priceless timber.
Environment minister dives in to see Pattaya’s sorry coral reefs for himself
Scuba divers have criticized Pattaya’s reefs for decades, bemoaning the abuse they’ve taken from pollution, fishing boat anchors and “sea walkers”, who are untrained divers using surface-supplied air to walk on the ocean bottom. Recent photos showed tourist sea walkers picking up and moving coral, which can be killed simply by being touched.
Vietnam Fights Climate Change With COVID Strategy
Just as authorities called for a community wide compliance with the closing of borders, masking, and social distancing; the ingrained collectivism among its citizens, allows for a broad and clear messaging about the environmental threats. This may translate into improved management of the nation’s natural resources.
New drainage plan considers impact of climate change
The city has been using a water drainage plan approved in 2001 that covers the central area of about, which represents about 30 percent of the city’s total area. The plan does not account for the impact of climate change, rising water levels and erosion.
Russia to Build Airport, Train Armed Forces in Sign of Strengthening Military Ties With Laos
Besides the airport, the Russians intend to expand military cooperation with Laos that will include building a facility to train Lao troops on how to use Russian military equipment,
Lao govt pushes for road links between railway production sites
“Basically, we are focusing on railway development, especially the construction of four major rail stations that will become the hubs of new modern towns. These towns will be connected to industrial parks and agricultural production zones in 10 provinces through the improvement of roads.”
Mixed fates for captive elephants sent back to villages amid Thai tourism collapse
With tourism collapsing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2,700 captive elephants used for tourism purposes in Thailand faced a crisis.