Artist Disorn Duangdao’s new exhibition ‘Interbeing’ explores the negative effects of a drying Mekong and voices concern about violence in politics
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Analysis of skulls reveals that river dolphins in South Asia are two separate species
The conclusion of this new study brings the river dolphin species up to six in total, all of which are listed as either Endangered or Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, including the Irrawaddy dolphins (Critically Endangered), found in the Mekong River.
Mekong-Lancang Cooperation records achievements
The Lao PDR highly values the achievements made under the MLC framework on the basis of cooperation for peace, stability, solidarity and mutual benefit in order to deepen and widen cooperation in an efficient manner.
Lands Grabs and Other Destructive Environmental Practices in Cambodia Test the International Criminal Court
Five years ago, the ICC’s prosecutor said she would consider environmental crimes. Now, environmentalists and human rights activists want her to deliver.
Thriving population of endangered monkeys gives hope to conservationists
Van Long has effectively protected its langur population, which has quadrupled in size since the reserve was established in 2001. With currently around 200 individuals, the reserve houses the bulk of the world’s remaining Delacour’s langurs.
Saving habitat in Laos for the rare Asian Unicorn
Asian Arks and Rainforest Trust have developed an innovative and sustainable model for conservation that supports long-term protection, working with the local communities of approximately 2,659 people in enlisting their support.
China’s rare earth supplies disrupted by Myanmar tumult
China has shifted from a 40% to 60% reliance on Myanmar for its rare earth imports, reportedly due to the environmental damage caused by their extraction domestically.
Holding those behind the haze to account
As the severity and awareness of the problem have increased, there is now more data available to pinpoint the causes and sources of the smoke, which could provide a means to finding a solution.
New report reviews China’s 5-year cooperation with Mekong countries
The report, compiled by Yunnan University, reviews the progress, problems and development trends of the LMC since 2019. It analyzes collaborations in specific areas including public health and the fight against drugs.
France’s EDF says Myanmar dam project halted over coup
NGOs welcomed the decision, with Justice for Myanmar calling Shan state, where Shweli-3 is located, a region with “ongoing conflict and systemic grave human rights violations”.