Organised by SEA Junctions in collaboration with Bangkok Tribune, Thai Society of Environmental Journalists and Samdhana Institute, the exhibition features a selection of photographs and artwork that shows the environmental degradation of the river, destruction caused by dams and development, the impact on people and communities, and movements by civil groups on the issue.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Govt calls talks on Karen row
The eviction came after the DNP, which is under the Ministry of Environment, declared the area the Karen villagers were living in a national park two decades ago. The designation led to the eviction of forest dwellers.
Cambodia is expected to take flight in a post-Covid world
Avitourism is predicted to be popular with travel-deprived ecotourists and is among the fastest-growing eco-tourism trends For habitat-rich, cash-poor countries such as Cambodia, it has the potential to help conserve threatened species
Don’t take toxic air problem lightly
If the country is to be marketed as a safe and premier destination as the world begins to slowly reopen, it must not flounder. Otherwise, forget about tourists and get ready to see a flight of people leave the region as they move to other parts of the country for a better life and better prospects.
Are Cambodia’s freshwater fish in trouble?
Destructive fishing and hydropower dams on free flowing rivers are two main reasons for the extinction of some freshwater fish in Cambodia including the Giant Barb and Isok, a report by World Wide Fund for Nature.
Chinese regime controls ASEAN countries via Mekong ‘water tap,’ expert says
“Unfortunately, the CCP doesn’t follow international norms, and it has become accustomed to not only keeping everything in the dark, but also doing everything in the dark”
Water Governance in Southeast Asia: A Roundtable Discussion
Online public seminar, Friday, 19 March 2021 at 06:30 ICT / Thursday 18 March 2021 at 16:30 PDT.
Laos Increases Electricity Costs Despite Producing More Electricity
People complain about having to pay more each year as more dams become operational.
Plant-Based NGO Unveils Mass Transit Climate Clock Video Campaign To Highlight Climate Change
A Thai plant-based industry NGO has partnered with a data and consumer insights platform to launch the country’s first mass climate crisis campaign at multiple Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) subway stations.
Thai tiger park faces permanent closure amid wildlife smuggling allegations
Subsequent DNA tests showed that the tiger cubs were not the offspring of parenting tigers at the park, arousing suspicions that they had been smuggled in.