“As international businessmen rake it in, hunger and food insecurity are a threat to millions in Laos. But when Lao people protest against these projects, they risk being harshly punished, arbitrarily detained or disappeared by the government.”
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Chinese dams not to blame for low Mekong water levels: report
The latest data shows that for the past two months, Jinghong station, one of the main hydropower stations on the Lancang River, upper half of Mekong River, has been releasing more water than the river’s average natural flow rate recorded during the Mekong River’s current dry season.
World Bank debars German oil and gas contractor for 13 months
It is in connection with an alleged fraudulent practice under the Bank-financed Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management Project in Myanmar.
UNESCO Requests New Impact Assessment for Luang Prabang Dam
“The problem is that the dam developer doesn’t want to do a new SIA, saying that the SIA has been done. But UNESCO does not accept the first SIA.”
Klity Creek lead cleanup stumbles
Long-running environmental saga no closer to a happy resolution
Ministry proposes establishment of Ramsar site network
The management of Ramsar sites in the country still faces difficulties, and the Ramsar Convention’s objectives and strategic plans on conservation and the sound use of wetlands have not been fully and promptly implemented, resulting in the threat of biodiversity reduction at these sites.
World Bank Support to Protect Landscapes/Enhance Livelihoods
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$57 million project to help Lao PDR promote sustainable forest management, improve protected area management, and enhance livelihoods opportunities in eight provinces across the country.
We neglect Asia’s freshwater fishes at our peril
But there’s no mystery about the cause of this crisis: It’s down to us – from building on wetlands and floodplains, to our poorly planned hydropower dams to over-abstraction of water for agriculture, unsustainable fishing, pollution, invasive species, sand mining and climate change.
Red River’s clear colors blamed on dams, pollution
Vu Dinh Thuy, deputy director of Lao Cai’s Natural Resources and Environment Department, said this is not the first time the Red River has changed into such a color and this phenomenon has happened around this time of year for the past five years.
Widespread illegal logging in Prey Lang rainforest amid ban on community patrols
“While Cambodian authorities prevent the Prey Lang Community Network and environmental defenders from protecting the Prey Lang wildlife sanctuary, illegal loggers are clearing land with impunity.”