They found that over the last century, 40 species had relocated to southern China, Laos and Myanmar — the area where genetic analysis suggests the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 first appeared.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Cambodian environmental activists reportedly arrested
In 2016 Ouch was chosen as a recipient of the coveted Goldman Environmental Prize for his work exposing corruption-enabled illegal logging in Cambodia’s forests.
China does not like the coup in Myanmar
A case in point is the shelved Myitsone Dam, where the Chinese company that invested in the initial stage of the project suffered massive financial losses. Beijing tends to view the Myanmar military as ungrateful, rapacious, greedy and a poor business partner.
Disaster Management Reference Handbook – Lao PDR
Since 2018, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance has supported international partner agencies’ programs that promote development of Community-Based Disaster Risk Management and other community capacitybuilding projects.
Floating guard post to protect Irawaddy dolphins in Mekong
WWF says the station be staffed around the clock, and guards will patrol a 25km area of the river to protect dolphins from fishing nets, shock devices and other threats.
Water Levels Drop, Fail to Rise Again on Mekong River Along Thai-Lao Border
“It looks like China doesn’t care about people living downstream. The Mekong River is now low like this every year, and this has severe impacts on everyone living downstream.”
Two power plants planned for sale of electricity to Cambodia
Construction of two coal-fired power plants will begin at the end of this year in Xekong province in the southeast of Laos. The first power plant will be built by Phonesack Group Company Limited in Kaleum district, with installed capacity of 1,800MW.
Panel told tap water ‘too salty’ to be safe
Bangkok residents with heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, or diabetes should avoid drinking the water, as should the elderly, small children and small pets.
Crushing burden: small-scale sugar cane farmers bear the costs of Thailand’s bioeconomy drive
At present, around 300 000 small– to medium-scale sugar cane farmers in Thailand cultivate 100 million tonnes of sugar cane annually, providing 5.5% of the world’s sugar supply.
Tonle Sap fishermen claim a decline in fishing yield due to environmental factors
It has been recorded that the Tonle Sap is facing an increasing risk of environmental degradation, loss of habitat and unsustainable use of natural resources in recent times.