Laos and the Belt and Road Initiative. An Interconnector Helping the Chinese Needs?

The research paper sought to investigate advantages and disadvantages of Chinese infrastructure projects in Laos and how Vientiane can deal with these challenges in order to accrue more benefits from China’s economic expansion in the region. Besides looking at the consequences from the Lao perspective, we focused on the Chinese benefits as well;
how a completed railway connection can change China’s position within the region and further strengthen its role within Southeast Asia.

River Discharge and Water Level Changes in the Mekong River: Droughts in an Era of Mega-Dams

The 2019-2020 drought that caused the lowest water level in recent history has affected riparian communities from Northern Thailand to the Vietnamese Delta. Using hydro meteorological data, we identified three key causes. One, the reduction of wet season flow   by Chinese dams in the UMB. Two, an extreme dry year that further decreases the amount of water available in the Mekong river. Three, the operationalisation of Xayaburi and its infilling period