Four of the six “Kaem Ling” drainage basin plans in Bangkok did not materialise as the land they were supposed to be developed on had been sold for real estate and commercial purposes.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Mercury monitoring in Myanmar gets a boost
Some 175,000 miners can inhale vapor from mercury burning or ingest the heavy metal as they eat fish contaminated with mercury runoff.
Palm Oil Labor Abuses Linked to World’s Top Brands, Banks
The workers AP interviewed came from Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, the Philippines and Cambodia, along with Myanmar.
Vietnam’s Economic Hopes Fade as COVID-19 Takes Away Business
Vietnamese officials have lowered expectations for their country’s normally fast-growing gross domestic product in 2020.
Mekong Delta should safeguard fruit orchards from saltwater in rivers: experts
The Mekong Delta region should take proactive measures to protect fruit orchards in the 2020 – 21 dry season as severe saltwater intrusion in rivers is forecast in the coming months, experts have said.
Arsenic levels fall since mining end
A new finalised study that was completed in 2019 has found that the levels of arsenic in children living near a gold mine that was shut three years ago dropped sharply since an earlier study in 2016.
US Lawmaker ‘Adopts’ Jailed Vietnamese Journalist as Prisoner of Conscience
Nguyen Van Hoa, 24, was jailed for filming protests outside the Taiwanese-owned steel plant, whose spill in 2016 killed an estimated 115 tons of fish.
The China-Laos railway: a way out of poverty or a white elephant in waiting?
Critics of the Belt and Road Initiative rail link through Laos from China point to its devastating environmental impact and potential economic ruin for an already fragile economy. Others hope it can take Laos from landlocked to ‘land-linked’