Currently, Vietnam is ranked fourth among the five countries which have the biggest volume of plastic waste in their seas.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Low water levels in Mekong, tributaries affect fish farming
The four main tributaries of the Mekong Nam Oun, Nam Songkhram and Nam Kam streams — now hold only 20-30% of their capacities.
Barrage projects divide opinion
One will be built in the middle of the river course and the other four kilometres away from the mouth of the river which links it to the Mekong River.
Mekong dams ‘benefit only China’
China has been accused of limiting the water to one of the world’s biggest rivers, on which 60 million people rely, to feed its hydro-electric dams.
PM calls for better clean water supply
Vietnam is now in the group of countries that face a shortage of water with low average domestic water amount per head.
Cambodian lake set for development
The government is set to hand over 38ha of Boeung Tamok Lake for development, a project that could impact millions.
Thailand Park closures to become annual events
Environment minister says natural habitat needs regular recovery breaks from tourism
Are vultures going extinct in Cambodia
There are hardly any vultures left along the Mekong River in the Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary and the Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary.
China’s Dam-Building is Harming the Mekong River
Critics welcomed the potential for cooperation, but also said it could allow China to weaponize water for economic and geopolitical gains.
The Profit Motive
Myanmar’s ‘Shock Troopers’ of Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing Linked to Jade Mining Disaster that Killed Hundreds