This time last year durian trees were blossoming, in time for harvesting in January. Orchards now look like they were abandoned a long time ago and trees are dead.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Solar Power Can Help Halt Dramatic Decline Of Migratory Fish
Fish passage structures on the Mekong are unproven and risky, especially in this era of alternative energy.
MRC sees ‘very critical situation’ in Tonle Sap as flow reversal still delayed
More than half of the annual inflow to the lake originates from the Mekong mainstream. Thus, flow alterations in the mainstream would have direct impacts.
Land dispute with Thai firms long resolved, landless families told to submit applications
Cambodia puzzled about Thai Appeal Court’s ruling in favour of more than 700 families disputing land claim with Thai-owned sugar companies.
Chinese companies dominate bidding for Myanmar’s billion-dollar solar tender
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy will announce in the coming weeks the winners of a tender for 30 solar projects that received more than 150 bids.
Myanmar continues pushback against BRI
A series of BRI related infrastructure projects that hopes to give Beijing access to the Bay of Bengal facing serious pushback.
Asia’s air pollution with heavy economic impacts, thousands of premature deaths
A combined estimated 153,600 premature deaths and US$82.4 billion in economic loss up to Jun 30 this year in just 11 major Asian cities.
Farmers call on Thai government to overturn pesticide ban
n the letter, they suggest the Hazardous Substances Committee impose restrictions on use of products instead, while educating farmers on how to use them safely.